
In this section I publish short, practical comments on the binding provisions of law, which do not have the value of a legal opinion. I express my opinion and invite experts from other fields of law to participate.

Katarzyna Załęska

Do you always have to make an agreement to entrust the processing of personal data, and if so, who is who?

Do you always have to make an agreement to entrust the processing of personal data, and if so, who is who?

Despite the long time that has passed since the entry into force of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), its application still raises many questions in practice. Controllers - and there are many of them - are considering many aspects of implementing the protection. However, there also seem to be areas that do not raise any doubts, although they should be a field of factual analysis of a specific case and the subject of appropriate (not mechanical) application of the regulation.

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Division of property after a divorce: what about a mortgage on real estate property?

Division of property after a divorce: what about a mortgage on real estate property?

In many cases of division of the spouses' joint property there is a similar pattern: the most valuable asset of the parties is a jointly purchased apartment or house on credit. At the time of the court division, the mortgage is not yet repaid and the bank is entitled to a mortgage on the property to secure a joint and several liability.

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